Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I ♥ Evo! - What would make you start a revolution?

DOC-DEBUT: Waiting for the RevolutionDOC-DEBUT: Waiting for the Revolution
For over 500 years the indigenous people of the Andes have had to endure racism and discrimination. Now, with democracy on their side, the time has come for a change.
Waiting for the Revolution

Wednesday, April 7th 
12:00 am 
Wednesday, April 7th 
10:05 am 

For over 500 years the indigenous people of the Andes have had to endure racism and discrimination. Now, with democracy on their side, the time has come for a change. Following two newly elected indigenous leaders from the campaign trail to their first year in office, filmmaker Rodrigo Vasquez journeys into the heart of the democratic revolution in Bolivia.

It takes more than a Che Guevara t-shirt to be a revolutionary - and Waiting for the Revolution proves this. It wasn’t branded images of rebellion that inspired Che – it was experiences traveling around in Latin America and Africa and observing the realities of rural poverty. The living conditions of the destitute convinced him that radical change was necessary. Today, billions of people still live in poverty, without access to adequate healthcare, clean water and food. The world’s ecosystems are under tremendous strain from human impact. Corruption and human rights violations still impact large parts of the human population. Is there a way to change these negative trends? Don’t say it’s a t-shirt. What would make you start a

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