Saturday, January 01, 2005

Ya, Shell...We Are The Same Person

How does that poor devil take to being called me? I have always thought that you might be someone else, dada.. And while you're here.. How did you feel about Yasir Arafat stepping down as chairman of the PLO? You should be crusading for Palestine as we speak! Posted by: War Dog at November 18, 2004 01:50 PM *** so...who do you think i am? Posted by: dadalux at November 18, 2004 02:01 PM *** When you are not posting No-nic.. I think you might be Shelly! You two seem to a bit too much alike! I sense a connection there that goes beyond Blogging. You like the same music.. You like the same art.. You both love fantasy.. You seem to speak to each other in whispers.. So tell me.. Is Shelly the female Dada? Posted by: War Dog at November 18, 2004 02:09 PM *** i rarely post with another nic, and then only to make a joke, i'll be "hassan i sabbah", or "billy crystal", or "jesus" or something...depends on the joke but i always go right back not that there is anything wrong with using other nicknames...i'm just saying what i do if you know someone, you can usually tell it is them, whatever nickname they use sometimes the blog forgets my name overnight and it's missing from my first post of the day, too -- == i'm dada and shelly? it would sure be a pretty neat trick if i could pull that one off i already do enough for three people just as dada its hard work, being president, hard work Posted by: dadalux at November 18, 2004 02:28 PM *** we sure post at the same time a lot for being the same person dadalux~ ...silly war dog!......trix r 4 kidz... Posted by: shell at November 18, 2004 08:07 PM *** ya, shell...we are the same's some more powers we have ..he is a world personality, who everybody talks about, of international stature and esteemed by all the nations; ..she is master of truth and master of the world ..he has superior knowledge to everybody, in any branch of the human knowledge, also and mostly in the sacred scriptures (his interpretation are considered EXACT tout court) ..scientists and experts of any discipline, all over the world, ask for her advice she is the fulfillment of many prophecies, which would have announced her "coming" ..he is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, in that he is God (and this alone contains all the following) ..he cures the sick, and resuscitated the dead ..he multiplied the food, and changed the water in gasoline he advises the devotees, solves their problems and sufferings, and he charges himself with these problems; he grants them, at his discretion, what they desire ..he also performs long-distance rescues ..she is clairvoyant, knowing past, present and future of anybody; she answers the questions before the asking; during the darshans, she takes from the people, at her discretion, some letters, of which she already knows the content (some of these letters are refused, and this is brought as en evidence of this fact) she also helps faraway people who ask her for help through these letters ...she is endowed with telepathic powers, enters the dreams of anybody at her own will, that is to say: if you dream of her, it's because she wants so (it's her statement), and not because of your unconscious. ..she has power and control over the natural forces, the natural elements and the laws that rule over them. ..he materializes by his will any kind of material object, by a simple hand gesture, and much more... Posted by: dadalux at November 18, 2004 08:22 PM *** of course, we're really one person, doing that bi-location thing Posted by: dadalux at November 18, 2004 08:26 PM *** Posted by: shell at November 18, 2004 08:42 PM


same crap different blog.
Good thing you took the time to write that. Quite the accomplishment for an anonymous.
The word verification was "coven". I could not let that pass.
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