Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Quantum Mechanics & Chaos Theory

Anarchist Meditations on N. Herbert's Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics By Hakim Bey

1. Scientific worldviews or "paradigms" can influence -- or be influenced by -- social reality. Clearly the Ptolemaic universe mirrors theocentric & monarchic structures. The Newtonian/Cartesian/mechanical universe mirrors rationalistic social assumptions, which in turn underlie nationalism, capitalism, communism, etc. As for Relativity Theory, it has only recently begun to reflect -- or be reflected by -- certain social realities. But these relations are still obscure, embedded in multinational conspiracies, the metaphysics of modern banking, international terrorism, & various newly emergent telecommunications-based technologies.

2. Which comes first, scientific paradigm or social structure? For our purpose it seems unnecessary to answer this question--and in any case, perhaps impossible. The relation between them is real, but acts in a manner infinitely more complex than mere cause-&-effect, or even warp-&-weft.

3. Quantum Mechanics (QM), considered as the source of such a paradigm, at first seems to lack any social ramifications or parallels, almost as if its very weirdness deprives it of all connnections with "everyday" life or social reality. However, a few authors (like F. Capra, or Science-Fictioneers like R. Rucker or R. Anton Wilson) have seen Quantum Theory both as a vindication of certain "oriental philosophies" & also as prophetic of certain social changes which might loosely & carelessly be lumped under the heading "Aquarian."

4. The "mystical" systems evoked by our contemplation of Quantum facts tend to be non-dualist and non-theocentric, dynamic rather than static: Advaita Vedanta, Taoism, Tantra (both Hindu & Buddhist), alchemy, etc. Einstein, who opposed Quantum theory, believed in a God who refused to play dice with the universe, a basically Judeo-Protestant deity who sets up a cosmic speed limit for light. The Quantum enthusiasts, by contrast, prefer a dancing Shiva, a principle of cosmic play.

5. Perhaps "oriental wisdom" will provide a kind of focusing device, or set of metaphors, or myth, or poetics of QM, which will allow it to realize itself fully as a "paradigm" & discover its reflection on the level of society. But it does not follow that this paradigm will simply recapitulate the social complexes which gave rise to Taoism, Tantra or alchemy. There is no "Eternal Return" in the strict Nietzschean sense: each time the gyre comes round again it describes a new point in space/time.

6. Einstein accused Quantum Theory (QT) of restoring individual consciousness to the center of the universe, a position from which "Man" was toppled by "Science" 500 years ago. If QT can be accused of retrogression, however, it must be something like the anarchist P. Goodman's "Stone Age Reaction" -- a turning-back so extreme as to constitute a revolution.

7. Perhaps the development of QM and the rediscovery of "oriental wisdom" (with its occidental variations) stem from the same social causes, which have to do with information density, electronic technology, the ongoing collapse of Eurocentrism & its "Classical" philosophies, ideologies & physics. Perhaps the syncresis of QT & oriental wisdom will accelerate these changes, even help direct them.

8. Table of Paradigms

With Their Spritual, Political & Economic Parallels

  1. Paleolithic -- shamanic -- non-authoritarian -- hunter/gatherer
  2. Neolithic -- polytheistic -- authoritarian -- agricultural
  3. Earth-centered Cosmos -- theistic -- monarchial/theocratic (hierarchical) -- urban
  4. Sun-centered Cosmos -- monotheistic -- divine right of kings -- colonialism & imperialism
  5. Mechanistic universe -- deist or atheist -- democracy, capitalism, communism -- industrial/technological
  6. Relativistic universe -- Modernism -- cybernocacy -- post-industrial (electronic)
  7. Quantum universe . . .

9. Just as Modernism here parallels Relativity Theory as a sort of spiritual concomitant, so "oriental wisdom" seems to attach itself to QT. But what political systems, what economics would derive from this amalgamation?

10. QT, which attempts an explanation of the reality "behind" Quantum facts, lags far behind QM itself. Unlike Relativity, QM offers no coherent ideas about "reality," only a set of statistical possibilities, tools for prediction. QM "works" -- but Quantum facts remain unexplained. The excitement of the science for non-scientists lies in the way it seems to have revived speculative philosophy as an integral part of the scientific endeavor: at present, competing theories about Quantum "reality" rival any occultist or mystical excesses for sheer madness & breathtaking incredibility. In Quantum Reality, physicist Nick Herbert outlines eight philosophies or world views, "Quantum Realities," all based on Quantum fact but all different.

11. Quantum Reality Number One (QRI) - -the Copenhagen interpretation. "There is no deep reality." Objects, everyday real things, "float on a world that is not as real." (Bohr, Heisenberg.) Emphasis on "Uncertainty," and thus comparable to Buddhist "Anti-realism" or even Berkelean Idealism. The Copenhagen "orthodox ontology" leads directly to QR2, which posits an observer-created reality in which the act of measurement gives rise to observed reality ("The moon is demonstrably not there when no one looks" -- N.D. Mermin).

12. QR3 -- "Reality is an undivided wholeness." Developed by W. Heitler. In this interpretation, "the observer appears, as a necessary part of the whole structure, and in his full capacity as a conscious being. The separation of the world into an 'objective outside reality' and 'us,' the self-conscious onlookers, can no longer be maintained. Object and subject have become inseparable from each other." According to Bohm, "One is led to a new notion of unbroken wholeness which denies the classical analyzability of the world into separately and independently existing parts. . . . The inseparable quantum interconnectedness of the whole universe is the fun damental reality."

13. Capra's popularization of this stance in Tao of Physics explores possible leads in Far Eastern mysticism. But none of the "orientalists" have so far noted a much more relevant metaphysics in sufism, especially Ibn Arabi's doctrine of the oneness of being (wahdat al-wujud). My intuition says that Ibn Arabi might prove a goldmine to Quantum Theorists, but the "mingling of two oceans" conjured up by such an imagined confrontation would involve decades of hard labor to grasp & contain -- & so I leave it to someone else to follow up.

14. Bell's Theorem, which proves or seems to prove that Quantum Reality is "non-local," bolsters rather than deflates what we might call the taoist theory of QM, or in Herbert's phrase, QR3. Something in Bell's Theorem seems to be violating Einstein's cosmic speed limit-some superluminal aether or "field," or Faster-Than-Light particles -- or telepathic particles! So far this bizarrarie can be experimentally demonstrated only though negative inference; no laboratory "hard" evidence of such a "field" (or whatever) has been uncovered. Randomicity Theory suggests that non-local phenomena will remain inaccessible-that superiuminal signaling devices ("ansibles" in SciFi terminology) will prove impossible to decode, hence useless. However, this remains unproven. If telepathy exists, then human consciousness may already be making use of such codes.

15. QR4 -- "The many worlds interpretation" (H. Everett, 1957) suggests that the wave function never collapses -- that every possible event actually occurs, either in "our" world or in some instantaneously created "alternative universe." The Copenhagenists deny reality altogether; Everett offers infinite realities: an elegant solution, so far totally unverifiable . . . but . . . SciFi Heaven! (I wish to expropriate one of Everett's notions, the non-collapse of the wave function, for my own fanciful synthesis [see below].)

16. QR5 - -Quantum Logic. What Einstein did to Euclidean geometry, some Quantum physicist/mathematicians hope to do to Boolean (Classical) Logic. Other than making it easier to think about, I'm not sure how this new logic would relate to QR -- but it sounds like a good idea.

17. QR6 -- "Neo-realism." Einstein, Planck, Schrodinger, Bohm & de Broglie have all looked for ways to "save the phenomena," to discover & describe Quantum Reality per se, rather than take the disagreeable step of agreeing with Copenhagian anti-realisms ("Atoms are not things" -- Heisenberg. "There is no quantum world" -- Bohr.) Reconciling the neo-realist project with Quantum facts leads to some very peculiar positionssuch as maintaining that the world is real but "non-local."

18. Could it be that the quarrel between anti-realists & neo-realists arises from a semantic problem about the definition of "reality?" It looks to me as if both sides are maintaining that reality means Classical reality. Thus the Copenhagenists are forced to deny that ordinary objects exist -- an absurdity - -while the neo-realists are reduced to looking for loopholes in QM, & seem so far to have been utterly frustrated. But if QR & "ordinary reality" are both real, modalities of the same one reality, then the dichotomy vanishes like a delusion caused by bad grammar. The only problem then remaining is that of Quantum measurement, which asks in effect how "quantumstuff" "becomes" "ordinary objects?"

19. QR7 -- "Consciousness creates reality." Von Neumann posits that only one kind of stuff exists, quantumstuff, & that ordinary objects are "made" of it. At some point the wave function, the all-possible nature of quantumstuff, "collapses" into a single statistical probability, a quantum jump which somehow "creates the world." Where does this occur? The only logical answer appears to implicate human consciousness as the setting of the wave function collapse. Ironic that Von Neumann, the wizard of cybernetics & strategic game theory, should have been forced to develop a math which suggests that human consciousness must be written into any complete explanation of QR. Von Neumann's interpretation is not the same as QR2, "observer-created reality," in which the observer could as easily be a measuring device as a human being; QR2 tacitly accepts a basic dualism between a real "Classical" measuring device, and Quantum unreality itself. Nor does QR7 necessarily imply Buddhist-style anti-realism or Idealism: reality exists, but only in conjunction or "unity" with con- sciousness.

20. On one hand this trend leads to a kind of neo-Aristotelian neo-Platonism -- such as QR8, Heisenberg's "duplex world" of potentials and actualities, in which real objects appear almost as manifestations or hypostases of a Quantum Reality which is both more abstract & yet "more real" than everyday things.

21. On the other hand however Von N's "all-quantum" explanation of QR harks back to & strengthens the "taoist" arguments of QR3. Here, rather than a platonic modified non-dualism we get a strong & radical monism, in which "matter" & "consciousness" cannot be distinguished except as modalities of a single reality.

22. In effect, might one not say (as in QR4) that the wave function never collapses -- but that there still remains only one reality? That there has never been a "fall" from one into two? If QR is non-local, if "phase interference" & Bell's proof mean that all Quantum-particles which connect hologrammatical instantaneous connections with each other -- if all "matter" was originally (before the Big Bang) one dimensionless macro-particle/wave -- then all particles are implicated in all waves, & vice versa. The universe is (as Capra says, quoting Hindu sources) a seamless net of jewels, every jewel reflected in every other. The wave function collapse in this case would constitute a mathematical description of a mode of individual consciousness & its awareness of the world, its inherent implicatedness in the totality & oneness of that world -- in fact, its virtual identity with that world. The wave function collapse would then not actually describe a physical event at all; in effect, it would have never happened. The universe is now what it was & ever shall be: one reality.

23. As far as I know, this synthesis of QR3 and QR7 (lucky numbers!) violates current thinking in Quantum Theory -- & perhaps even the "Quantum facts" as well. Still . . . science marches on; things may change & become even weirder. I have a strong hunch that the ongoing study of randomicity (e.g. at thermonuclear temperatures) may shed light on QR philosophy in the near future. Another source for the next breakthrough in physics may well come from brain physiology -- provided it can tear itself away from rat-running & linguistic rat-holes & address itself to the problem of consciousness. New work on the "morphogenetic field" in biology looks promising; personally, I feel less enthusiasm for cognitive philosophy & AI research.

24. My groping attempt at a synthesis is suggested by what I call Chaos Theory, which holds to the axiom that reality itself subsists in a state of ontological anarchy. "The one gave birth to the two, the two to the 10,000 things" -- but all this IS the tao & nothing but the tao. Yin & yang have no being in themselves, but act as interpenetrating modalities of the tao. The real/unreal dichotomy enslaves us in false consciousness. Looked at from one point of view, nothing is real; from another point of view, everything is real; from another, "nothing is real except the Real"; from yet another, "I am the Real" (ana'I Haqq, a sufi "koan"). These semantricks create a set of paradoxes -- and the resolution will give us an essentially metalinguistic certainty of being's oneness. Such oneness cannot be structured or defined in any way. It has no "ruler" and no "laws" -- hence, ontological anarchy.

25. On a mathematical (or statistical) level, the chaotic nature of reality may manifest as randomicity; I suspect it manifests in the Uncertainty Principle as well. Whatever the truth of these speculations, I feel that Chaos Theory & Quantum Theory are moving closer & closer together. If this is so, then we may be able to predict some social implications of Quantum Theory as a "paradigm" -- and thus answer the questions posed in paragraph nine -- by looking at the social programme of Chaos Theory or ontological anarchy.

26. Chaos Theory, like any good theory, can be applied to anything, from physics to literary criticism -- just as it can absorb energy from any kind of source, from the heretical spiritual teachings of sufis, Ismailis, Ranters, shamans or sorcerers -- to QM itself. Thus it may provide the link, yoke, nexus or connection between QM & "oriental wisdom," & help define the paradigm we're looking for.

27. Chaos Theory predicts that Quantum Theory will fail to turn up any "hidden laws," hidden variables that restore some privileged class of objects or perceptions to a status of objective reality at the expense of other objects & perceptions. The anti-realists who recognize only the measuring device as real, & the neo-realists who yearn for a "Classical" resolution of QM's paradoxes, are simply proposing different ways of "saving the phenomena" -- or metaphorically, of preserving reality as we know it. Consensus Reality. This project seems doomed from the start -- at least, to us chaotes. The new paradigm will shatter Consensus Reality, & with it all authoritative representatives of scientific "truth."

28. This is not to claim that the "solving" of Quantum Theory will somehow result in an anarchist Utopia. The predictive power of Chaos Theory seems to falter here. After all, total destruction is as much a "type" of chaos as the most benign visions of Bakunin or Stirner. In effect the social & economic results of the new paradigm depend on forces other than those described or controlled by the paradigm, whatever its claims to absoluteness. For instance, an economy which mirrors this paradigm will almost certainly involve the abolition of "work" as we know it (a relic of Classical physics) -- but what replaces it may either enslave us more miserably than "work" could ever accomplish, or it may liberate us in harmony with the visions of "zero-work" radicals, neo-situationists & anarchists.

29. Similarly Chaos Theory can make no predictions about the development of technologies which mirror the paradigm, such as telepathic signaling, FTL spaceships, ansibles, controlled ESP or other fancies indulged in by fantasists (including me). Social change resists all such sibylline seductions, since it involves the incalculability of consciousness itself, & of human history. I can foresee Quantum dystopias as easily as Utopias.

30. Given all these caveats however. Chaos Theory still envisions a Quantum-Social-Paradigm with distinctly anti-authoritarian implications -- in one sense a reprise of the Paleolithic/shamanic worldview, in another sense wildly post-postmodern. Such a "movement" or change would transcend all current definitions of Anarchism, whether communist, syndicalist, libertarian-capitalist or individualist. So far there is no name for what I'm talking about.

31. Like Quantum Theory itself, this politique/poetique is still emergent. It can only be sensed as it emerges or begins to emerge from the "facts" of everyday life, just as Quantum Theory peeps out of the strangeness of Quantum facts. Somewhere in the welter of Quantum Theory & Chaos Theory the paradigm is already bom, & waits for us to assist at the mystery of its naming, of its transmutation from potentiality to actuality. In this action poets & physicists may play equal parts, for the glory of Quantum Theory is that by restoring consciousness to its theorems it has turned science once again into a type of "Natural Philosophy" -- or alchemy.

32. Fleshing out the vision of a world somehow based on the mind-boggling perceptions of QM linked with the alien realizations of "oriental wisdom" - -a world which lives with ideas such as non-locality, particles which travel backwards in time, alternative universes, randomicity at the heart of creation, etc. etc. . . . this is properly the work of Utopian Science Fiction -- at this point in history. Perhaps within a few years it will become the province of revolutionaries, artists, philosophers -- the unacknowledged legislators of a lawless future -- anarchs of the new paradigm.

33. QM is said to be "complete" -- but then so are all scientific systems in their moment of power. QM should by no means be fetishized either by scientists or poets, since Quantum Theory itself may hold the seeds of a paradigm which overthrows even QM. The tao which can be spoken is not the tao; the moment Quantum Theory presents itself as "complete," it must be at once attacked. Chaos theory seems to predict that Quantum Theory will flourish as long as it remains "incomplete," not tied down on any Classical (or even non-Boolean) procrustrean beds-metalogical, metalinguistic, essentially unstructured -- "free," like reality itself -- which is a state not of Anarchism but of anarchy, even to the very roots of being.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricane Poem by Max Reif

* The hurricane hits, You batten down your hatches, Try to secure everything. It's all a big mess. Hurricanes don't Respect our boundaries! Soon you're just trying to survive, Holed up in a small, safe room. You doze off. When you awake, Everything is still. You venture outside. You gape, speechless! The hurricane has taken All you've ever known And re-arranged it, Leaving it perfect, resplendent: The beauty you've always dreamed of! *

Spirit Photos

'nuff said.

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Book Of Noodles, 1888

Stories Of Simpletons; Or, Fools And Their Follies







Reputed communities of stupids in different countries--The noodles of Norfolk: their lord's bond; the dog and the honey; the fool and his sack of meal--Tales of the Mad Men of Gotham: Andrew Borde not the author--The two Gothamites at Notts Bridge--The hedging of the cuckoo--How the men of Gotham paid their rents--The twelve fishers and the courtier--The Gúrú Paramartan--The brothers of Bakki--Drowning the eel--The Gothamite and his cheese--The trivet--The buzzard--The gossips at the alehouse--The cheese on the highway--The wasp's nest--Casting sheep's eyes--The devil in the meadow--The priest of Gotham--The "boiling" river--The moon a green cheese--The "carles of Austwick"--The Wiltshire farmer and his pigs . . . 16-55



The men of Schilda: the dark council-house; the mill-stone; the cat--Sinhalese noodles: the man who observed Buddha's five precepts--The fool and the Rámáyana--The two Arabian noodles-- The alewife and her hens--"Sorry he has gone to heaven"--The man of Hama and the man of Hums--Bizarrures of the Sieur Gaulard--The rustic and the dog . . . 56-80



The simpleton and the sharpers--The schoolmaster's lady-love--The judge and the thieves--The calf s head--The Kashmírí and his store of rice--The Turkish noodle: the kerchief; the caftan; the wolfs tail; the right hand and the left; the stolen cheese; the moon in the well--The good dreams--Chinese noodles: the lady and her husband; the stolen spade; the relic-hunter--Indian noodles: the fools and the mosquitoes; the fools and the palm-trees; the servants and the trunks; taking care of the door; the fool and the aloes-wood; the fool and the cotton; the cup lost in the sea; the fool and the thieves; the simpletons who ate the buffalo; the princess who was made to grow; the washerman's ass transformed; the foolish herdsman--Noodle-stories moralised--The brothers and their heritage--Sowing roasted sesame . . . 81-120



Simple Simon--The Norse booby--The Russian booby--The Japanese noodle--The Arabian idiot--The English silly son--The Sinhalese noodle with the robbers--The Italian booby--The Arab simpleton and his cow--The Russian fool and the birch-tree--The silly wife deceived by her husband--The Indian fool on the tree-branch--The Indian monk who believed he was dead--The Florentine fool and the young men--The Indian silly son as a fisher; as a messenger; killing a mosquito; as a pupil--The best of the family--The doctor's apprentice . . . 121-170



Introduction 171
Story of the first Brahman 176
Story of the second Brahman 178
Story of the third Brahman 181
Story of the fourth Brahman 185
Conclusion 190





INDEX . . . . . 225

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Ministry of Reshelving

The Ministry of Reshelving is dedicated to the proper classification of fiction and nonfiction books. The current Ministry initiative focuses or relocating a total of one thousand nine hundred and eighty four copies, across all 50 United States, of George Orwell's _1984_ from "fiction" or "literature" to more suitable sections, like "Current Affairs", "US Politics", "True Crime", or "New Non-Fiction." You are invited to join us in our reshelving efforts. Note: this project is not a critique of bookstore culture, the state of the shelving industry, or even of pervasive surveillance. It is merely an observation that thanks to the current U.S. administration, 2 + 2 = 5, and 5 is no longer fiction.Visit the link below for full instructions and everything you need to conduct your own reshelving mission! * If you walk into your local bookstore looking for a copy of George Orwell’s 1984, you may just happen upon a cryptic note in its place from a group called The Ministry of Reshelving.Though they may sound like a gang of vigilante librarians, the Ministry, which was founded only 12 days ago, is in fact made up of people looking to make a sly political statement in a playful way. Their goal is to generate discussion and thought about the oppressive nature of the current United States presidential administration by moving 1,984 copies of George Orwell’s novel, 1984—the classic cautionary tale of “Big Brother,” an authoritarian government that rules by invasively monitoring its citizens—from its usual spot in the fiction section of bookstores to somewhere more “fitting,” like “Current Affairs” or “United States Politics.” The hope is that the group can mobilize people throughout the country to move copies within bookstores in all 50 states.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Kiss Assassin by Wanton Vixxxen

Slay me with your pyre lips and dragon tongue, the sword on which my sacrificial soul splays helplessly impaled. Stab me with your foil of want; lunging thrusts of longing need that jab and pierce until I bleed... your desire’s scabbard death Draw from me the last of breath. Suffocate by succulent lure with bites of engulfing heat’s embrace that lick my neck with passion’s swoon; vampiric thirst’s immortal lust. Murmurs’ vial of poison drunk in sounds of groaning overtures and rapture’s moans in boiled blood veins; an overdose of verbal venom’s musk That dim life's light by killer's dusk. Shot with looks that all devour; riddled by raw hunger’s yearning taste that feasts upon soft flesh in lipstick with teeth of tender sated touch. Snuffed, my flame’s inferno stilled by smoldering murder’s parting lips I linger, but to die again and die times more in smothered bliss Extinguished by a lover's merciless kiss.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Book 1 Chapter 1 Book 1 Chapter 2 Book 1 Chapter 3 Book 1 Chapter 4 Book 1 Chapter 5 Book 1 Chapter 6 Book 1 Chapter 7 Book 1 Chapter 8 Book 2 Chapter 1 Book 2 Chapter 2 Book 2 Chapter 3 Book 2 Chapter 4 Book 3 Chapter 1 Book 3 Chapter 2 Book 3 Chapter 3 Book 3 Chapter 4 Book 4 * Joseph Campbell, Skeleton Key To Finnegan's Wake

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Musical Interlude

Alan Watts from the LP This Is It, 1962 Ginsberg, CIA Dope Calypso

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Lost Lyrics, History & Origins of Old Nursery Rhymes

A Carrion Crow sat on an Oak Rhyme A Farmer went trotting Rhyme A Little Cock Sparrow A Man of Words and not of Deeds A Swarm of Bees in May As I was going by Charing Cross Rhyme As I was going up Pippen Hill Baby Dear, Good Night, Good Night Bessy Bell and Mary Gray Rhyme Bless you, Bless you, Bonny Bee Blow Wind, Blow Bobby Snooks Rhyme Boys and Girls Come out to Play Cackle, Cackle, Mother Goose Cock-a-doodle-doo! Come let's to Bed, says Sleepy-head Rhyme Corporal Tim "Croak!" said the Toad Cross Patch Cuckoo, cuckoo, what do you do? Curly Locks, Curly Locks Rhyme Daffy-Down-Dilly Diddledy, Diddledy, Dumpty Elsie Marley's grown so Fine Four and Twenty Tailors Go to Bed First Handy Spandy Jack-a-Dandy He that would Thrive Hector Protector Hey Diddle Dinkety, Poppety, Pet Higgledy Piggledy Hush Baby, my Doll I Do Not Like Thee Doctor Fell I had a little Hobby Horse Rhyme I had a Little Husband I had a Little Nut Tree I had a Little Pony, his Name was Dapple-gray I love Little Pussy I love Sixpence, Jolly, Jolly, Sixpence I saw a Ship a-sailing If all the Seas were one Sea If Candlemas day (2 February) be Dry and Fair If St Paul's Day (29 June) be Fair and Clear If Wishes were Horses Rhyme I'll tell you a Story about Jack a Nory In the Merry Month of May Is John Smith within John Cook he had a Little Grey Mare Kind Hearts are Gardens Leg over Leg Rhyme Little Betty Blue Little Girl, Little Girl where have you been Little Nancy Etticote Little Polly Flinders Little Robin Redbreast Sat upon a Rail Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a Tree Little Tommy Tittlemouse Rhyme London Bells Nursery Rhyme Mary had a Pretty Bird Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Rhyme Miss Jane had a Bag Molly, my Sister, and I fell Out Multiplication is Vexation My Father left me Three Acres of Land My Little Old Man and I fell out Needles and Pins Old Abram Brown Old Chairs to Mend Once I saw a Little Bird One Misty, Moisty Morning Poor old Robinson Crusoe Pussy cat Mole Rhyme Rainbow to Windward Robert Barnes, Fellow Fine Robin and Richard Robin Hood, Robin Hood See a Pin and Pick it up Solomon Grundie Some Little Mice sat in a Barn to spin St. Swithin's Day if thou dost rain Taffy was a Welshman The Barber shaved the Mason The Cuckoo's a Fine Bird The Fair Maid who, the first of May The King of France Rhyme The Man in the Moon The Man in the Wilderness There was a Fat Man of Bombay Limerick There was a Jolly Miller once There was a Little Boy and a Little Girl There was a Little Guinea Pig There was a Little Man Rhyme There was a Man in Thessaly There was a Monkey climbed up a Tree There was an Old Woman called Nothing-at-all There was an Old Woman lived under a Hill

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley

"MAGICK is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with the Will."

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Dream Town Show, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox


Here is an island in Slumber Sea Where the drollest things are done, And we will sail there if the winds are fair Just after the set of the sun. 'Tis the loveliest place in the whole wide world, Or anyway, so it seems, And the folks there play at the end of each day In a curious show called Dreams. We sail right into the evening skies, And the very first thing we know, We are there at the port and read for sport Where the dream folks give their show. And what do you think they did last night When I crossed their harbor bars? They hoisted a plank on a great cloud bank And teetered among the stars. And they sat on the moon and swung their feet Like pendulums to and fro; Down Slumber Sea is the sail for me, And I wish you were ready to go. For the dream folks there on this curious isle Begin their performance at eight. There are no encores, and they close their doors, On everyone who is late. The sun is sinking behind the hills, The seven o'clock bells chime. I know by the chart that we ought to start If we would be there in time. O fair is the trip down Slumber Sea, Set sail and away we go: The anchor is drawn, we are off and gone To the wonderful Dream-town show.


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Rosicrucian Library

Landmarks of the Rose Cross

Fama Fraternitatis Confessio Fraternitatis The Chymical Wedding of C.R.C. Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th & 17th Centuries (text and diagrams).

Commentaries on the Landmarks of the Rose Cross

Commentaries on the Chymical Wedding of C.R.C. by Jack Courtis Commentaries on the Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians by Jack Courtis

Contemporary Writings

Benedict Spinoza - Philosopher, Mystic, Rosicrucian by Gary L. Stewart Determining Rosicrucian Affiliation René Des-Cartes (1596 - 1650) by Gary L. Stewart Ella Wheeler Wilcox - Writer & Mystic Rosicrucian by Dr. John Palo Perspective: The Importance of Versatility by Gary L. Stewart Simon Studion, 1543-1605 ( ? ) by H.C.A. Pass The R+C Legacy: Dr.John Dee by: Linda S. Schrigner The Tomb of CRC - The Symbolism of the Seven Sides by: Jack Courtis

Expanded Collection

Essays, bibliographies, contemporary articles dealing with Rosicrucianism, mysticism, western esoteric traditions and kabala.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Laughing Record, 1923

(Henry's Music Lesson), performed by Miss Sally Stembler & Edward Meeker Edison 51063-R. This comic sketch was so popular nearly every early record company sold a recording of it. This is the Edison Company's version. Known as the "laughing girl," Sally Stembler was recalled in Jim Walsh's seminal column, "Favorite Pioneer Recording Artist," in Hobbies Magazine (September, 1973): "Miss Stembler was a vaudeville comedienne who for a generation or more entertained audiences with laughing specialties."

Friday, August 19, 2005

A Tough Dance, 1902

CREATED/PUBLISHED: United States : American Mutoscope and Biograph Company, 1902 SUMMARY: From either side of a white, apparently outdoors, setting enter a man and woman, both wearing ragged street clothes and caps. As they approach center stage, the man grabs the woman's arm and pulls her to him, then slaps her. Still holding her arm, the man and his partner cockily strut towards the camera. The man grabs the woman in a crouched, bear-hug type of hold and they perform a rough little dance that almost seems a parody of a waltz. In a jerky type of jitterbug, the man twirls the woman out of his hold and back again, a movement which is repeated often within their spinning dance. They finally fall to the ground, still clutching each other, and roll around. From K.R. Niver, Early motion pictures, 1985: Two people imitate the celebrated dance of the French apache. As the film begins, a man dressed in rough clothing approaches a woman, also dressed in tattered garments, who is standing near the center of camera position. They begin to accentuate their shoulder movements and, at the end of the film, are hitting one another and rolling about on the floor. The participants were Kid Foley and Sailor Lil, who claimed to be the champion performers of this popular Bowery dance.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sunshine Jim's Website

of MRR Links

Wednesday, August 17, 2005



Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Economic Tendency of Freethought

by Voltairine de Cleyre (excerpt) The crimes of the future are the harvests sown of the ruling classes of the present. Woe to the tyrant who shall cause the offense! Sometimes I dream of this social change. I get a streak of faith in Evolution, and the good in man. I paint a gradual slipping out of the now, to that beautiful then, where there are neither kings, presidents, landlords, national bankers, stockbrokers, railroad magnates, patentright monopolists, or tax and title collectors; where there are no over-stocked markets or hungry children, idle counters and naked creatures, splendor and misery, waste and need. I am told this is farfetched idealism, to paint this happy, povertyless, crimeless, diseaseless world; I have been told I "ought to be behind the bars" for it. Remarks of that kind rather destroy the white streak of faith. I lose confidence in the slipping process, and am forced to believe that the rulers of the earth are sowing a fearful wind, to reap a most terrible whirlwind. When I look at this poor, bleeding, wounded World, this world that has suffered so long, struggled so much, been scourged so fiercely, thorn-pierced so deeply, crucified so cruelly, I can only shake my head and remember: The giant is blind, but he's thinking: and his locks are growing, fast.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Candide by Voltaire

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Christopher Walken 2008 for President 2008

August 9, 2005 Actor Christopher Walken to run as Candidate in 2008 Presidential Race For Immediate Release New York - Early today, actor Christopher Walken, 62, held a private conference at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York in which he announced his intentions to run for the Presidency of the United States in the 2008 Election. Said the Queens native, “I have always been a follower of politics. My father was friends with the mayor of Schodack (NY) back in the 1940’s. We would walk the streets of Schodack and the people, they would wave to him. The children adored him. That is what I love to be, a man of respect and love.” From a statement by Walken's agent, Toni Howard: “Mr. Walken has greatly admired the celebrities who have entered politics and he wants to be able to give a good name and reputation to the acting community as well as the political community. As for going national with this news we have not made any plans for the immediate future." Because Mr. Walken is currently contracted for more than one film production, the Walken campaign manager Michael Hansee admitted that there would be relatively minimal publicity at this early stage. "[Mr. Walken] has a full plate right now, acting in a number of different films, and can't start any personal campaign work until these obligations are fulfilled," he commented. "We're looking to spread the word and build a little support base with our site, in preparation for a full campaign in early 2007." The campaign website is patriotic-themed, with the tag-line "To Get America Back on Track." Hansee stated that the campaign is hoping to drum up early support through their online presence, much as Howard Dean did in the 2004 race. * "Our great country is in a terrible downward spiral. We're losing jobs, losing benefits, and losing lives. We need to focus on what's important-- paying attention to our children, our environment, our future. We need to think about improving our underbudget educational system, making better use of our resources, and helping to build a stable, safe, and tolerant global society. It's time to be smart about our politics. It's time to get America back on track." * The Walken Platform These are the issues that need solutions now, and Christopher Walken is not afraid to address them. He wants his supporters and opponents to know that he is clear in his ideals and will fight to lead America to a better place. Campaign Finance Reform: "I believe that campaign finance is a very tough issue, with good points on both sides; but I feel, as a wealthy american, that I should have no more say than even the least fortunate American citizen. That is why I am for campaign finance reform." Military Funding: "I am a huge supporter of the military. I have always thought of them as our guardians, and when our guardians are making less than the poverty line, and children are suffering because their parents decided to join the military, well, I get very upset. I feel that instead of sending billions to the Pentagon's pet projects, it should go to the troops." Stem Cell Research: "I'd met Chris Reeve several times before he died, and after having met him it is tough to be against it [stem cell research]. I am for human knowledge and expansion of human life. If stem cells are one way to do that, I need to be a good friend of stem cells." *
We're getting started early, and you can help! If you're hoping for a new leader with confidence, intelligence, and diverse experience, here he is. Join our 'Spread the Word' campaign and let your friends, family, peers, and coworkers know that they can make a difference. Forget the run-of-the-mill special-interest bureaucrats from capitol hill and cast your vote for a man who answers to no one but the people. With your help, we can kick-start the Walken campaign before his opponents have their boots on.

Friday, August 12, 2005

The Greatest Fucking Quotes Ever

When you give food to the poor, they call you a saint. When you ask why the poor have no food, they call you a communist. -Archbishop Helder Camara, Brazilian liberation theologist * Anger is a gift. -Zach DeLaRocha, rage against the machine * There's no I in fuck you. -Candace, Walls of Jericho ***

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Musical Interlude


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Experiencing Intuition

In an essay entitled "Perspective: The Importance of Versatility," from the book Awakened Attitude, Gary Stewart has written: …the Confraternity of the Rose Cross [CR+C], is not supplying us with answers to the questions related to the ontological essence or mystical enlightenment, but rather, it is guiding us in the understanding of mysticism itself so that we may expand our realities to the maximum of our abilities. He further clarifies that the CR+C "…does not deal with the tarot or other systems such as astrology, etc, for the reason that such systems are not necessary to the essential basics of mysticism." It is clear that organizations such as the CR+C and OMCE are concerned with helping individuals learn to more directly access illuminating states of consciousness rather than indoctrinating them into specific occult perspectives or rigid schemas of spiritual progress. The development of intuition is therefore an essential element of such approaches, for it is one of the most important and yet most commonly misunderstood means of accessing illumination. Anyone who seriously thinks about what intuition is and how it works is bound to find that our common use of the term is severely lacking. In this essay we will carefully examine the meaning of intuition. Before diving into that task, it must be stated that different people have different things to say about intuition, and within certain occult or mystical schools the word may have more or less specific meanings. This essay is not intended to contradict any other perspective, though it may do so, but is simply an exposition of one person's thoughts and experiences in the study and practice of intuitive illumination. Staying true to the definitions and etymologies, the contemplative methods of mysticism and magic are the means by which we focus our minds, purifying and consecrating an inner space to be filled by the Light. In such moments we lift up our desires and then join our consciousness with the still and silent void. In essence, we make a sacrifice of our desires and intentions, offering and releasing them to the heavens. Our attentiveness remains and we simply abide in complete faith that we will receive what we need, even if it seems to be nothing at all. As noted by Stewart, this process does not require occult mechanisms such as Tarot, astrology, the I Ching or Runes, though they can serve as excellent catalysts for achieving intuitive insight and mystical illumination. The important thing to remember is that these physical tools, their symbolism and traditional explanations should not be accepted as a substitute for the real magic of intuition, which occurs within one's consciousness in that place referred to by Jesus when he said: But thou when thou shalt pray, enter into thy chamber, and having shut the door, pray to thy Father in secret, and thy father who seeth in secret will repay thee. Matthew 6:6, Douay-Rheims Bible. In this place of attentive rest, we may actually witness a sudden pulse of energy entering consciousness in that fraction of a second before an idea or an image begins to take shape in our minds. Sometimes the energy comes in a very simple and gentle manner, as though a voice has whispered a few words that instantly bring a clarity that only moments before was completely elusive. At other times, the energy spawns images that flash into our minds to provide a perspective or a chain of associations that lead to deeper levels of understanding. While we can receive intuition with such readiness that a complete understanding seems delivered all at once, it is often the case that an intuition has a mysterious quality to it. We know that we have received something profound, and yet we are at a loss to comprehend it, to form an adequate concept or verbal expression of it. In these cases intuition is much like the planting of a seedling that must be nurtured for it to bloom into the gnostic flower that is its potential. All of the scenarios noted above can be classified as intentional experiences of intuition, those more directly perceived because of a contemplative effort to receive understanding from higher sources. However, intuition can be experienced in other ways and, in fact, we are receiving it all the time whether we are aware of it or not. Everyday, and in countless situations, we do not even notice that we have ideas, words, images and feelings enter our consciousness that cannot be directly linked to our preceding thoughts by the processes of logic and conscious association. Though not all of these situations are truly intuitive in that they come directly from higher sources, those which have the qualities of prophecy, genius, creativity, elegance, perfect accuracy or completeness are very likely to be gifts "from on high." As noted earlier, intuition is commonly thought of as a hunch or a gut feeling. It is certainly true that some of our hunches and gut feelings lead to actions or realizations that have the qualities of prophecy, genius, creativity, elegance, perfect accuracy or completeness, though often they do not. Dreams may also have these qualities. So might hunches and dreams also be intuitive in nature? Before we can answer that question, we must take a closer look at what happens when intuition enters consciousness. When intuition enters the personal levels of the psyche, it has effects in the intellect, emotions and physical body. In the intellect, intuition often first produces a simple and instantaneous knowing that something significant has been received, and then tends to quickly stimulate the formation of new or more refined concepts that reflect a deeper level of understanding and wisdom. Sounds, words, and visions may arise in the imagination. In the emotions, intuition often produces some sense of excitement or desire, often of a pleasant nature though not always. Physically, intuition can produce feelings like a jolt of electricity, a shiver of nervous energy in the spine, a vague but persistent agitation or urge, or even specific feelings of pressure or temperature in certain points of the body. The combination of physical and emotional sensations can often produce a very strong drive to take a particular action.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005



Monday, August 08, 2005

The Trans-Quantum Mechanical Hypothesis of Consciousness

by W. Michael Breland, M.D., Ph.D. Essay I, July 4, 1998 "Statement of the Hypothesis" Hypothesis: Consciousness is that which has the ability to direct random quantum level events. Quantum mechanical theory states that quantum level events can be predicted on a statistical level but that the outcome of a specific event cannot be known until it occurs. Thus, it is stated that the outcome of a specific quantum event is random. The word "random" is also used to describe the outcome of macroscopic events such as the throw of dice or the drawing of a lottery number. Thus, its meaning has come to describe an event that occurs simply by chance. These events are also usually able to be described by statistical mathematics. To use it to describe the outcome of events on the quantum level is an extension of the macroscopic meaning to the microscopic. Specifically, quantum physicists state that while the outcome of individual quantum events is random, statistical mathematics can be used to accurately describe the probabilities of the different outcomes. From a quantum mechanical and mathematical point of view, this is correct. However, from the point of view of this hypothesis the outcome is not random, but directed by consciousness.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Fuck Today and Fuck You

i think its bullshit forcing me to go to a place were you force me to sign my name in agreement though i was threatened and the knife was in my back You make me show up, threaten me if i dont go then i go and you make me sign my name and threaten me to make me sign a signiture that states my agreement the one that i am forced to give. Even though i dont know what im signing, cus you say thats really not important but it is, but no matter what i think, i still have to sign Fuck you fuck the skool Fuck your system SO i asked my teacher today why cant i be an anarchist and she told me i wasnt violent wich is true im all talk I hate the system currupters of life so i ask her what i am, if i have to identify with anything on societies scale and she says im a philosopher. But those peoples opions dont really matter in the big sceme of things. So im rational, and i dont fall into your brain washed mindless molded fruit cumming on the tree of freedom and sanctity so this means i dont matter? But i do matter enough were they need my signiture bad enough to force me to sign but i dont count cus im rational i dont get it. A private detective called me today asking about my love, Kim Sweet he was a liar, i told him to fuck himself he wanted information about a girl that he didnt even know the corekt last name of. fuck him and the system he works for fuck all you stupid bitches that want information from me trying to threaten me with the title of a "hostile witness" because i dont wanna tell you where i go to skool so you can come and harrass me? FUCK YOU think im stupid? FUck the detectives Fuck the skool Fuck the government Look what they turned me into! A braindead, special bus riding trick whos only response to say against all this is fuck you? WOW, the intelligence is radiating from this poem cant you feel it? didnt think so. But i dont care cus i can just respond with a simple FUCK YOU....

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