Sunday, August 07, 2005

Fuck Today and Fuck You

i think its bullshit forcing me to go to a place were you force me to sign my name in agreement though i was threatened and the knife was in my back You make me show up, threaten me if i dont go then i go and you make me sign my name and threaten me to make me sign a signiture that states my agreement the one that i am forced to give. Even though i dont know what im signing, cus you say thats really not important but it is, but no matter what i think, i still have to sign Fuck you fuck the skool Fuck your system SO i asked my teacher today why cant i be an anarchist and she told me i wasnt violent wich is true im all talk I hate the system currupters of life so i ask her what i am, if i have to identify with anything on societies scale and she says im a philosopher. But those peoples opions dont really matter in the big sceme of things. So im rational, and i dont fall into your brain washed mindless molded fruit cumming on the tree of freedom and sanctity so this means i dont matter? But i do matter enough were they need my signiture bad enough to force me to sign but i dont count cus im rational i dont get it. A private detective called me today asking about my love, Kim Sweet he was a liar, i told him to fuck himself he wanted information about a girl that he didnt even know the corekt last name of. fuck him and the system he works for fuck all you stupid bitches that want information from me trying to threaten me with the title of a "hostile witness" because i dont wanna tell you where i go to skool so you can come and harrass me? FUCK YOU think im stupid? FUck the detectives Fuck the skool Fuck the government Look what they turned me into! A braindead, special bus riding trick whos only response to say against all this is fuck you? WOW, the intelligence is radiating from this poem cant you feel it? didnt think so. But i dont care cus i can just respond with a simple FUCK YOU....

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