Saturday, May 07, 2005

Revolution In Common Sense Or Quantum Metaphysics by Joachim E. Wolf

This paper postulates a multidimensional model of the universe, based on recent developments in physics and biology. We cannot see the multidimensional reality because our senses are limited to three dimensions, yet the higher-dimensional environment has a more substantial reality than our world. This is so because our three-dimensional world is only a subset of the multidimensional system. An interrelated set of holistic principles is developed. The multidimensional world is then explored with this holistic logic system. This leads to common-sense interpretations of quantum physics effects and provides plausible answers to many unresolved questions, such as the whole versus parts problem, mind-body interaction, the inner structure of the human psyche, the beginning of life, and the creative nature of evolution. Other logical conclusions lead naturally to key tenets of world religions. [--] To change our world, we must change the color of our own glasses. Preferably we want to increase the color range until we see white light. So we want to increase the range of our consciousness. As we do away with the limitations of our mindset, we automatically act more in tune with the greater reality in which we reside. Our world becomes more desirable for us as well as for others. "You create your own reality", this is the message repeated tirelessly by Seth in Jane Roberts' books. He explains in enlightening detail how we can change our lives by changing our beliefs (101). In fact, Seth's entire philosophy dovetails coherently with the holistic system described here. To this writer this is one of the indications of Seth's authenticity. Without the Seth material, the Multiple World section and some other parts of this paper would not have been written with the same confidence. The Seth books provide a wealth of information for the serious student of M-D reality.

I was glad to read (on the web) about your book and its subject matter.

In thinking about a multi dimensional universe with time as an infinite direction. It occurs to me that an admonishment by Jesus gains more significance. The statement "as it was in the beginning and ever shall be,world without end". It seems to sound like how an enlightened individural in the time of Christ might describe a vision of a multidemensional reality.
That's a very interesting observation. Thank you.
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