Thursday, July 14, 2005


Our five senses are very limited. We see only 1% of what is really going on, and that 1% is illusion. What we know with our five senses looks so confusing and chaotic. Why do bad things happen? Why me? Why, Why, Why??? All that is visible appears to not make any sense. We see hate, war, judgment, resentment, sickness, destruction, addiction and darkness. How can a loving God create all this tragedy? * The etheric body can leave the physical, but when it does, I don't think it goes any great distance. I think its role is a "life energy" body. When the body goes to sleep, the etheric expands, the chakras open, and we receive energy and restore our depleted supply. This is why it is also referred to as the vitality sheath or health body. When I'm tired and drained, I can lay down for half an hour, enter a trance like state and wake up feeling totally refreshed. This is not the projection of the astral body, but a charging of the etheric. If the etheric projected a great deal, our bodies would feel drained, not refreshed, upon return. When I astral project, my etheric is doing its job of replenishing my body, and when I come back, I am refreshed. The two are independent. When people experience "duality" aka mind splitting (where the consciousness resides at two locations) I believe one part of the consciousness is in the etheric and another one is in the astral. There are also a lot of discrepancies on the silver cord. I personally have never seen this cord (but I haven't really looked for it either). Is has been suggested that the cord is related to etheric projection, not astral. If the cord was associated with just astral projection, then we would see it every time we astrally projected. I remember once leaving my body and out of curiosity I looked back towards my physical body. I saw a body, but it was in a totally different position than my physical! It was the etheric body that I was seeing. In the astral, we see the astral counterparts of the physical, but I think we can also see our etheric shell (this explains why I saw the etheric body, and not the physical). On several occasions, during meditation, I have been able to see the ceiling through my physical eyelids. This is also not astral projection. People who are sickly have reported more OBEs. I think this is because the etheric is weak and the astral is able to separate more easily. Both our physical and etheric bodies are magnetic in nature and influence the pull of the astral. When objects are moved, I think it is more from the influence of the etheric body, rather than the astral which does not share the same vibrations as objects in the physical. The etheric is of a higher vibration than the physical, but lower than the astral. The astral body is aligned with the physical and is of a lower vibration when it is attached. To unattach, the frequencies must be raised. The astral body can transcend various levels in the astral plane. It reacts to thoughts and can see the astral counterpart of the physical world. It cannot affect physical objects because they do not share the same vibrations. The astral body can transcend time and space. There is a feeling of separation when consciously projecting from the body. Rushing, vibrating, roaring, crackling and popping (to name a few). When in the astral, our filter is removed and we are able to see, hear and feel more. The mental body is where remote viewing happens. When you achieve bi -location during remote viewing, there is no feeling of separation as with astral projection. There is also no visual distortion as there sometimes is with astral projection (depending on where you are at on the astral plane). My first "projection" was a mental one. I went straight from the physical to the mental body which explains why there were no vibrations. I just involuntarily "popped" out and was several blocks away. I also think the mental body is often independent of our physical one. Unlike astral projection, when I separate, I detach from the body and travel accordingly. In the mental, you just show up somewhere and have done nothing to travel there. The mental body does not contain the thought "junk" of the astral. You may be able to see partial thoughts formed in the astral (as in a partially built ship), but not in the mental. When I wake up in the mental, I am usually nowhere near my body and have no sensation of a body of any kind. I once "woke up" in the mental and I had no way to determine where I was. It was pitch black, I had no ears, no eyes, no body. It was a void that I remained in until a sudden return to the physical. It was a pure state of 'being'. The mental body also transcends time and space. Advanced remote viewers, using their mental body, communicate telepathically. The causal body is where past life memories are stored. This plane is one up from the astral. When we die, we enter the astral and eventually experience a second death (the astral body diminishes) and we enter the causal plane where we then remember our past lives and can then make decisions for our next. In an apparently chaotic world filled with inequity and perceptions of disconnectedness, it's not unusual to experience ourselves as separate beings, longing for union with God. A sense of stability and consistency, although highly prized, is sometimes difficult to find. For the unconditional love we all crave, we can look toward the constant tremendous force of the Sun and the method it has evolved to feed every life in its reach. A beautiful tapestry unfolds as we study the distribution of light and heat, the very life-force from the fiery heart of our Sun, to all units of life. Entire devic kingdoms are employed to achieve this end, their one goal to spread the love and life of the Sun to all living things. (Devas experience a parallel evolution to humanity that fulfills their evolutionary task by literally energizing all living forms.) Varying degrees of these angelic beings (another name for these entities) are needed for the highly specialized work they perform—certain devas inform and energize only plant life, whereas others only work with animals, humans, minerals, etc. For certain devas the path of service lies in guarding the individuals of the human family; others act as protectors of the sacred spots of the earth. Still others preside over the atmosphere and control the streams, rivers, and seas. Any time we perceive life, we see the devas at work ... transmitting the energy from the sun (prana) to all life forms. The etheric body is the mechanism through which they work and has been described as a network of fine energy strands permeated with fire, or as a web animated with golden light. It is spoken of in the Bible as the "golden bowl." It is the gridwork that all forms are built upon, composed of fine interlacing strands of etheric material. These strands attract physical plane matter to them and interpenetrate with it, eventually molding the actual forms we see as life. Once the forms are built, the etheric body's function is to store up the rays of light and heat (prana) received from the sun and to transmit them, via the spleen, to all parts of the physical body. The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky speaks of prana as "the invisible and fiery lives which supply the microbes with vital constructive energy thus enabling them to build the physical cells. Every visible thing in the universe is built by such lives." Prana is best described as vitality, as the integrating energy that coordinates the molecules, cells, and cellular structures, and holds them together as a physical organism. It is the life-breath within the organism and a portion of the universal Life Force, appropriated by all organisms during their existence. Were it not for the presence of prana, there could be no physical body as an integral whole, working as an entity; without prana the body would be nothing more than a collection of individual cells. Prana links up and connects these into one complex whole, playing along the branches and meshes of the etheric web, that shimmering and golden web of inconceivable fineness and delicate beauty. All forms, whether a solar system, a human body, a plant, or a rock, are built from the archetype or "blueprint" of this energy field. Prana is not a product of terrestrial life—it comes from the Sun. In fact, all earth life, its plants and animals are its products. All things absorb prana in order to survive. This absorption is not, however, an isolated or one-time process. As a life form absorbs this life force to maximum capacity, the excess overflows from it in the form of radiation, which then feeds the next kingdom evolving in nature—which, after absorbing all it can, then spills the excess out to the next kingdom and so on and so on. In the nurturing of life is seen one vast system of energy transmission and of interdependence within that system. First, solar prana, that vital and magnetic fluid which radiates from the Sun, is transmitted to the planetary etheric body where it is collected by the earth's spleen center. (Although its location is not given out, it is the source of the myths that speak of a land of exceeding fertility, of abundant luxuriance and phenomenal growth of vegetables, animals, even humans. Stories of Scotland's Findhorn community come to mind, where enormous vegetables were grown in an experiment to consciously work with the devas or guides of that kingdom.) After the planet assimilates what is required, the excess is given off as surface radiation, the heat the earth gives off after nightfall. Solar prana is now colored by the planetary quality and is absorbed by all evolutions found within its life. *The Jews call them Shedim. The Egyptians called them Afries. Africans named them Yowahoos. Persians called them Devs.* Humans receive prana from both the Sun and the planet, but never directly from the Sun—its intensity is harmful to matter and must be filtered through an intermediary. Etheric bodies of humans receive solar prana via the agency of certain deva entities of a very high order, and of a golden hue. The prana passes through their bodies and is emitted as powerful radiations, which in turn descend directly into certain centers in the human etheric body correlating to the head and shoulders, and eventually pass into the physical organ of the spleen. After distribution over the entire body through the etheric network, it demonstrates in surface radiation as the health aura. Again, the physical radiations humans give off differ according to the quality of their physical bodies. Planetary prana is safely absorbed through the pores of the skin as the destructive fire of the sun has been diminished by passing through the filter of the earth. Next in line to receive the gift of life force is the animal kingdom and again, devas intervene, absorbing the excess prana from the human kingdom, before passing it on to the animal world. After the animals assimilate all that they can, their radiation is transmitted through another group of devic lives to the vegetable kingdom, which then overflows to the mineral kingdom. The beauty and perfection of this process is apparent—all things receive in order to give and to pass on to that which is lesser or not so evolved. *Elementals can be related to "nature spirits". These are the spirits that govern all nature, the forces of life that may be summoned to assist in working magick. It's important therefore to understand who they are and what they represent. Earth spirits are known as Gnomes, Air spirits as Sylphs, Fire spirits as Salamanders, and Water spirits are called Undines.* Does this process begin and end with the Sun? No—our Sun, like all life forms, receives prana too, though from a source outside the Solar System. Recent scientific discoveries about the directional flow of magnetic field lines in our galactic arm collaborate with ancient metaphysical teachings that name the star system Sirius as the source of prana to our Sun and its worlds. The close relationship between all the evolutions of nature becomes evident, from the celestial sun to the humblest violet ... all linked together by the deva evolution which acts as the transmitting transmuting force throughout the system. As the intricate interrelation between the sun and the planets, between the planets and the evolving lives upon them, and between the lives themselves in ever descending importance, is more clearly understood, the exquisite interdependence of all existence is revealed. In taking on density, energy takes on, or descends into, the seven degrees or planes. Man exemplifies three. He has his physical body, his emotional mechanism and his mind-body, and consequently functions on three planes, or is awake on three, the physical, the emotional and the mental. He is on the threshold of the recognition of a fourth and higher factor, the Soul, or Self, and will next awaken to that realization. In addition to seven planes, each plane has seven subplanes. Three subplanes of the physical are commonly known, - the solid, liquid and gaseous, for example, ice, water and steam. In addition there are four subtler planes, or rather four different types of ether. These four are coexistent with each of the three well known subplanes, and interpenetrate them. The physical body of man is no exception. It, too, has its etheric counterpart, its etheric body. This is positive, while the dense physical body is negative. The etheric body is the cohesive factor, and maintains the physical body in life and being. The etheric counterpart, whether of man or of any physical thing, is of the universal substance, of universal life, and of universal energy. It partakes of all of these. But it is not self-sufficient or independently existing. It draws upon the reservoir of universal energy, and in it the etheric counterpart lives and moves and has its being. Energy is thus functioning through the etheric. This is true of man also. The universal energy functions through his etheric body. And as man exists on seven planes, so the etheric body has seven points of contact with energy, - but as only three planes are active, and four dormant, so only three force centers are fully developed and four as yet undeveloped. In harmonizing the two schools, the question naturally arises, does Western Science corroborate this theory? Sir Isaac Newton accepts the universal medium of ether without question. In the last paragraph of his Principia, he says: "And now we might add something concerning a certain most subtle spirit which pervades and lies hid in all gross bodies; by the force and action of which spirit the particles of bodies mutually attract one another at near distances, and cohere if contiguous; and electric bodies operate to greater distances, as well repelling as attracting the neighboring corpuscles; and light is emitted, reflected, refracted, inflected, and heats bodies; and all sensation is excited, and the members of animal bodies move at the command of the will, namely by the vibrations of this spirit, mutually propagated along the solid firmaments of the nerves, from the outward organs of sense to the brain, and from the brain into the muscles. But these are things that cannot be explained in few words, nor are we furnished with that sufficiency of experiments which is required to an accurate determination and demonstration of the laws by which this electric and elastic spirit operates." The same level of experience found in the universe as a whole can be found within the human Soul as well. The same levels of "Being-ness", the same divine Hierarchies found in the "immaterial" etheric, astral and higher planes of the universe as a whole can be found within the human Soul as well. This realization of being a "MIRROR" of the Macrocosm is central to unfold the mystical process. This whole process circles around the magnetic axial pole of pure Being. The principle of macrocosm and microcosm, which represents this mirroring of levels is the foundation of all the spiritual and metaphysical traditions. From the formation of stars, to the collapses of galaxies, from our humble meditation practices, to world affairs... Everything in the universe affects and resonates with everything else. In the same manner, our own spiritual practice and level of consciousness affect and resonate in all the Planes of existence in the universe... This is also a reminder that, however strange the universe may seem to us, we and it share one nature and one life. The individual human being, then, is understood in mystical terms as a reflection of the whole universe, and the same levels we have traced in the universe as a whole can be traced in the Soul as well. This is another way of repeating what we have previously said, that our own level of consciousness projects outwardly the way we "see" and understand reality. The universe and the spiritual Hierarchy are mirrored in us through many subtle bodies. We have, the biological or physical body - the etheric body, which is made of ether or life-energy - the astral body, which is the body of concrete consciousness shaped by the psyche (thoughts, feelings) - the mental body, which is the body of abstract consciousness perceived by pure awareness, which opens on realms of experience not bounded by space and time; and the spiritual or causal body named also the Light body, which is the root of consciousness and the inner­most essence of the Soul. As with the levels of the macrocosm, each body can be seen as governing the body "below" it — that is, denser or more material than itself; thus, for example, the astral body is shaped and directed by the mental body, and in turn shapes and directs the etheric body. Each of these parts of the Soul has its own nature and functions, and its own role in the awakening process. The physical body, for its part, is the body known to medical and biological science. It serves as the material foundation and instrument of the other parts of the Soul, enabling the Soul to perceive and act in the realm of material experience. Traditional lore assigns each of its parts to one or another part of spiritual symbolism; thus, for instance, each of the five fingers is assigned to one of the five elements. The etheric body is usually divided, for clarity, into two parts. The first of these is the etheric double; this closely resembles the ordinary body of matter, extending out perhaps an inch beyond the surface of the skin, and provides the framework of subtle formative energies on which the material body is built. It contains a series of channels (the meridians of Oriental medicine) and energy centers, which have an important role in mystical work. The second part of the etheric body is called the aura or, in another context, the Sphere of Sensation. This is a roughly egg-shaped field of energies surrounding the etheric double, extending out several feet from the physical body. It serves as the interface between the etheric body of the individual and that of the cosmos, and all the forces of the universe are reflected on its surface. The astral body cannot be so easily mapped out in this kind of spatial language. A body of consciousness, it comes closer to the modem idea of "mind" than to that of "body," although neither of these too-rigid categories fits well anywhere in the mystical view of the Soul. The astral body can be thought of as a field of energy occupying roughly the same space as the aura, but constantly shaped and reshaped by patterns of thought and feeling. All images, words, and sensations affect this body, and are affected by it in turn; it interacts freely with the astral level of the cosmos, and with the astral bodies of other human and non-human beings. It contains most of those parts of the self we normally think of as "mental" or "inner"— intellect, emotion, imagination, will, and memory, the instruments of concrete consciousness — and it is also the basis for the individual personality. The mental body can be thought of as the essential pattern of the Soul. It can be described as a subtle "body" only in a highly metaphorical sense, and cannot be located in a spatial sense at all. This body is the instrument of abstract consciousness — that is, thought that does not involve forms and images of the sort we perceive with our senses — and thus makes it possible to perceive the core ideas or structures of experience, which exist outside of space and time. The Spiritual body, or Causal body finally, is the root of the Soul, the essence or "divine spark" around which all the other layers of the Soul are built up; it represents the point of contact between the human microcosm and that unity of Being that, in theological terms, we may as well call the unknown God. It can best be imagined as pure Being, without any other definition or quality. In practicing mysticism, each of these levels of the Soul comes into play in one way or another in one's life, and specific aspects of these levels provide the principal tools by which the powers of the macrocosm are directed through the Soul (Permanent Witness) and resonate in the subtle bodies of man. A seeker's "role" is to become a pure vehicle, open to receive these high impulses and magnetically resonate with them. These impulses manifest in the bodies certain spiritual qualities, which are inner states of realization. In order to make sense of this very abstract material, it is necessary to get a clearer sense of the mystical and magical understanding of what is meant by the hidden potential qualities of the Soul. These qualities are inner states of consciousness that the Soul unveils gradually to the consciousness of a seeker. These inner states appear during dreaming, meditation, or at any appropriate moment in a seeker's life. They make a "rupture" in time - opening a gap to allow a higher level of resonance to impregnate the astral and etheric bodies of the seeker. Each one of these Soul potential qualities vibrates and resonates in all the various subtle bodies of man. The result of this resonance within all the subtle bodies reveals something too complex and beautiful to explain... One has to experience them to understand what happens...It is linked to the intangible Presence of "I"... As we consider the different bodies and levels of the Soul and understand that their awakening process depends on our need to purify the psyche (etheric and astral bodies) then, the spiritual purification and transformation process unfold and we increasingly come closer to manifest whatever is engrained and inherent in our spiritual “blueprint” – the karmic plan which the Soul (Permanent Witness) has prepared for a given incarnation. The quest of how to unfold the inner process is given to you on this website - It is explained through my personal experiences... My only wish is to help you find your own way... as each seeker is a path to himself...The only most important thing to understand is that we all resonate to different rates of vibrations... What we must learn to do is to resonate with the pure part of our psyche - the part that is open to the impulses coming from the Soul, so that the resonance of the Higher impulses are felt and manifested in the lower astral, etheric and physical bodies as well. These divine operations are karmic "gifts" that are given to awake our subtle bodies and receive sublime initiations. That which is Above, is as that which is Below That which is Below, is as that which is Above to perform the miracle of the One BEING The physical body displays emotions that the mind has hidden. The physical body door represents our first and second dimensional self, which is our physical "animal" body, and all the cells, minerals, genetic programming that make up that body. The first and second dimensions are of a lower vibration than our third dimensional form and are therefore usually a part of our unconscious reality. The memory is still vivid in my Consciousness. The first knowingness of my Soul. I was standing at the edge of a mountain overlooking a beautiful valley. It was New Year's Eve Day thirteen years ago. I was reviewing energies of the old year, preparing for the year to come. Then….a feeling of deep joy overcame me. It was a feeling of expansiveness rushing through me. Oh, the grandeur of this feeling! It was a feeling of being greater than my little self. It was a feeling of connection with the universe. I was able to hold onto it for only a moment. But, having experienced it once, I knew I wanted to feel it again…to hold onto it forever. Such began my Awakening to the awareness of Love's presence within me, the awareness of my Soul. *You form the fabric of your experience through your own beliefs and expectations. These personal ideas about yourself and the nature of reality will affect your thoughts and emotions. You take your beliefs about reality as truth, and often do not question them. They seem self-explanatory. They appear in your minds as statements of fact, far too obvious for examination. Therefore they are accepted without question too often. They are not recognized as beliefs ABOUT reality, but instead considered characteristics of reality itself. Frequently such ideas appear indisputable, so a part of you that it does not occur to you to speculate about their validity. They become invisible assumptions, but they nevertheless color and form your personal experience.* The outer experience is simply a reflection of the inner. The creative process unfolds continually, infinitely, constantly. You cannot miss it. It's going to happen whether you pay attention or not. So the question becomes: how do you create the inner experience with the most harmony and ingredients of joy or the ingredients you seek in the outer? The answer is, you train your attention away from the outer long enough to perceive how the inner process works. Once you have perceived how the inner process works, that is, you have lined up the details of the inner mechanisms: thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions, tendencies, influences, choices, then you are free to go back and watch the outer reflect the new understanding. *It is not that you live in life focused only on the inner, you could do that without a life, or a physical manifestation of life. The objective here is to live in life in the outer, from the inner. Which, if you understand, you do every time you open your eyes. All the sense perceptions you receive are your creation. * *For example, this table we see is real. Just as you and I are real. And if you attempt to raise your leg through the table, you will encounter its reality. And this is a place of confusion for many of you. But remember, we are not asking you to deny what is, just to recognize its source. This table is here with you precisely because you chose it to be. And the further you go on this path of understanding, the more flexible and fluid physical matter will become. But this is not a change in physical matter. But a change in your ability to perceive and focus.* *The most difficult challenges come when you confront those areas which you still regard as real and outside of yourself. And this is why the particular challenge of creating money via conscious creation is such a worthy one because it is the thing within the culture that is seen as most real and most outside the self. And in another way it is the most within your control because it is an idea. You see this when you look at it from a global perspective more clearly because the idea of money changes from culture to culture. The actual physical representation looks different and is different, and yet its cardinal truth remains the same. You could say it is the physical representation of supply. But do not place too much emphasis on the meaning or implication of what it represents. It would be far better to reduce the contrast between money and all other physical objects, including your body, the earth, sky, and understand it as just another form of the camouflage. In this way you regain your power returning the displaced power you put on the idea of money and putting it back on the self where it belongs.* Say to someone, "Tell me about yourself," and what you are most likely to get is a description of their body, their job, perhaps their hobbies, likes and dislikes. But is this who we really are? All of these descriptions are about something outside, something other than the true Self. We have become so distracted by the world and its many facets that we forget, or rather choose not to look at who we really are. The best way to begin this is by defining what we are not!! We are not a body. We are not a job. We are not an illness. We are not a socio-economic status. We are not a parent or child. We are not a skin color. We are not an ethnicity. We are not a religion. We are not even our beliefs. All of these things describe something outside the Self. But if none of these things truly describe us, how do we find who we are? We regularly hear from people asking for insight into what is happening, what is really going on. The things that used to work aren’t working anymore and they feel lost. Am I going crazy? What do I do now? Don’t worry you aren’t crazy, and the universe hasn’t abandoned you. You are just making a shift to a new level of the Game. At this new level you need a new understanding and new eyes to see the game. A new rule book, so to speak. I will first explain this change in the way of a metaphor called, “The Video Game of Life” then I will give you more details to understand what is happening, where you are, and how to function on this new Tier of the game. When you fully move to the next level of the game, you will once again experience synchronicity, prosperity, and inner peace in your life. Imagine life as a spiritual video game. You begin on level one. On level one there are good guys and bad guys. You shout and yell at the bad guys and they go away. You say things like, “God is in control of my life and evil must leave.” On this level everything is very black and white, good and evil, right and wrong. You see the duality and it is ‘real’ to you. You are a victim of your circumstances, the victim of chaos. Level one’s motto is: “I am nothing and God is everything.” Here you fear God, as a matter of fact, you fear many things on this level. Many religious people live on this level and it appears to work for them. On this level, you believe and accept all that you have been taught. Then, you Awaken! One day, you are reminded of who you are and you move to level two. On level two the pendulum must swing the other way. Many of you reject religion all together. Level two’s motto is: “I am everything. I am God!” Things still look black and white, good and evil, right and wrong, yet there is a little more gray. On this level, you question things you were taught. Now you say, “I am in control of my life and evil must leave.” You believe that you create it all, you are no longer a victim. You are in charge of your life and make order out of the chaos. You begin to ‘Intend’ everything from money to love to a front row parking place, and it works! You begin learning that your thoughts are things. You realize your power. You study everything you can get your hands on. This is an amazing time in your awakening process. Then, you Awaken! Then you move to level three of the video game. On level three everything you did on levels one and two doesn’t work anymore. The rules are very different here. Your affirmations and intentions don’t work anymore. This is a confusing place to be. You feel lost. You no longer see things as black and white. The whole world begins to look gray. Your judgments about yourself and others are disappearing more and more. You are realizing that it is not just about you anymore. The motto on this level is: “I am the Co-Creator of my universe.” You understand that there is a bigger picture than you ever thought. You begin to see that the only way to move through this level is with your Heart. You cannot think yourself through this level, you must Love your way through. You are beginning to practice being in the Now moment. You see past the chaos. The chaos is becoming smaller and less important. Then, you Awaken! On level four you are in the Now moment and the doorway to full divinity opens up. You are no longer searching or doing. You are just BEING. You are in the World but not of the World. You see life for the illusion that it is. You see the divine comedy. You are a true Master. You understand that all is a paradox. BEING is everything and you are BEING. You are truly fully human and fully divine. The divine human walking on the Earth. You know that, “I am God, and I am nothing without God.” It is like you are in a bubble of love and peace no matter what is happening outside of you. You see the connection of all things. You remember that you are still at HOME. You see that everything on earth is the mirror reflection of truth. You recognize all of the hints that you left for yourselves, by yourselves, to assist you in waking up. Remember the saying, “As above so below,” it’s true in more ways than you ever realized. You now have Heaven on Earth, within yourself. Chaos is still happening around you and you now are at peace. True inner joy and inner peace. Posted by: Anonymous at July 14, 2005 01:58 AM 1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your Spiritual DNA level as the "Divine seed" awakens within. This too shall pass. 2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This too shall pass. 3. Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2 above. It’s good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass. 4. Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don’t worry about finding the "perfect" job or career right now. This too shall pass. You’re in transition and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion. 5. Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in a new energy without the karmic attachments. 6. Unusual sleep patterns. It’s likely that you’ll awaken many nights between 2:00 – 4:00 AM. There’s a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not to worry. If you can’t go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall pass. 7. Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogiemen. This too shall pass. 8. Physical disorientation. At times you’ll feel very ungrounded. You’ll be "spatially challenged" with the feeling like you can’t put two feet on the ground, or that you’re walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This too shall pass. 9. Increased "self talk." You’ll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You’ll suddenly realize you’ve been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you’re experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You’re not going crazy, you’re just Shaumbra (Lightworkers) moving into the new energy. 10. Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to "flee" groups and crowds. As Shaumbra (Lightworkers), you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own True Divinity. 11. Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That’s OK, and it’s just part of the process. Take this time to "do no-thing." Don’t fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It’s similar to rebooting a computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order to load the sophisticated new software, or in this case, the Divine- Self energy. 12. A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a "suicidal" feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don’t want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or other. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home. The root cause for this is quite simple. You have completed your karmic cycles. You have completed your contract for this lifetime. You are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body. During this transition process, you have an inner remembrances of what it is like to be on the other side. Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth? Are you ready to take on the challenges of moving into the New Energy? Yes, indeed you could go Home right now. But you’ve come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie. Besides, Spirit needs you here to help others transition into this new energy. They will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken the journey from the old energy into the new. The path you’re walking right now provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher of the New Divine Human. As lonely and dark as your journey can be at times, remember that you are never alone. *

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