Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Big Bang In You Is Cosmic Consciousness

by Andrew Cohen When you awaken to the spiritual or evolutionary impulse, what begins to emerge is the dawning recognition of the fact that each one of us, at our highest level, is what I call the authentic Self, which is actually the same energy and intelligence that originally inspired the entire creative process. You begin to intuit and feel directly connected to the very impulse that initiated the whole event billions of years ago and is driving it right now. You actually start to feel it working in you, surging through your own mind and body as the mysterious compulsion to evolve at the level of consciousness. When you feel that surge, what you’re experiencing is the highest and most subtle and profound expression of that initial explosion, the outer reaches of the Big Bang. That's the furthest it has gone, to where you, as a human being at the leading edge, feel this mysterious compulsion to evolve at the level of consciousness. I'm speaking about the development of the interior dimension of the cosmos. The exterior dimension of the cosmos is what you see if you look through a telescope back to the earliest beginnings of our universe. But the interior dimension is the dimension of consciousness. So when the evolving human experiences this mysterious spiritual compulsion that is the interior of the cosmos itself trying to develop through you. It's not a metaphor; it's literally true. The cosmos is not just "out there", it's "in here", and there ultimately isn't any difference between the two. So when you experience the spiritual impulse or the authentic self, you're experiencing the Big Bang as a surging compulsion for interior development and growth. The innermost regions of the cosmos are aspiring to actually evolve and be developed in and through you. The authentic self is the Big Bang, which is that initial burst from nothing to everything that you participated in, 14 billion years ago. And you are still participating in it, right now, to the degree to which you awaken to the authentic Self. As we reach for higher and higher levels of human potential, a completely new kind of moral development enters into the picture, which is what I call "cosmic conscience". Cosmic conscience is what emerges when the individual awakens to the evolutionary impulse or authentic Self, and begins to see his own capacity for self-awareness. When you contemplate this, and begin to understand that your own experience of awareness is literally the cutting edge of that vast unfolding process, you realise that the continuation of that process is now completely dependent upon your own willingness to consciously create the future. Awakening to this overwhelming fact puts more pressure on the individual self-sense than anything else ever could. In the face of this ultimate responsibility, either you're going to go crazy or you will very quickly become profoundly sane because you have no choice and it's your obligation to do so, because the future is totally dependent upon you. The degree to which you awaken to this cosmic conscience is the degree to which you will actually find the wherewithal to handle your own personal experience, however overwhelming it may be, because you realise that who you really are and what you're here for is far greater than any of your personal concerns.

very cool and trippy, Alice :)
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