Thursday, January 24, 2008

A bene placito ab imo pectore, SV

Peace Please - Thanks For The Posts, Lucille Submitted by Star Vox on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 12:14am. peace please my brada Submitted by Lucille on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 9:36am. DR Congo set for ceasefire deal


Submitted by Lucille on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 12:35pm. The war in Congo did not end today.

Just as important, a critical study was released which, hopefully, will jar the mainstream press into abandoning its defense of gorillas and focus on the human beings who are being ignored, abandoned and betrayed in the DRC.

A new International Rescue Committee (IRC) survey has found that 5,400,000 people have died from war-related causes in Congo since 1998. The study does not mince words and terms the war “the world’s deadliest documented conflict since WW II.”


Please peace for humanity.

Do you remember the media talking about the gorillas in Rwanda during the genocide? I do.

Many of those responsible for the atrocities in Rwanda fled to the Congo. Then they continued to use their weapons of mass destruction.

The atrocities are truly unspeakable. I have heard people stop speaking and start crying -- when there were no words.

How do you describe the raping and torturing of babies? How do you describe what is done to the babies after they are tortured?

How do you describe man's inhumanity?

From Heart of Darkness -

    The horror! The horror!

I highly recommend the reports and information available at the International Rescue Committee.

I also support the work of the International Rescue Committee.

(It is not permitted to show the faces of young girls. Both of these girls were raped. Although they need surgery to mend their bodies, they are too young to have the required surgery. Along with many other women and girls, they need the surgery so that they can control their bodily functions.)

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