Thursday, April 24, 2008

Buddha - Scorpio Moon [doubled]

From: You are invited to join in a magical ritual.....

The last time this happened, the Egyptians were building the pyramids...... Now it is our turn.... This next month, starting tonight, is astrologically EXTREMELY special, as the full moon will appear twice in a row in Scorpio, an event that happens about once every few thousand years, and even rarer in this sign. In some traditions, this moon is called the Buddha Moon, and we get to experience it twice! Once in April, once in May. In honor of the Earth's enlightenment....... First, the astronomy part: Every month, the full moon comes along and sits in the zodiac sign that is opposite where the sun is. So if the sun is in Taurus, like it is now, the moon is in Scorpio. If the sun were in Cancer, the moon would be in Capricorn, etc. So every month, the sun changes zodiac signs, and the moon goes along with it. But not this month. This lunar cycle takes place in Scorpio for the next 2 full moons in a row! WOW! Ok, but what does that mean? Well, if you are willing to get a little witchy with me here, Scorpio is the zodiac sign that stands at the doorway to the unseen. That is why it is the sign of magic (and sex too in many traditions), and mystery traditions. So essentially, if you want to ride on the astrological bandwagon, there is an INCREDIBLE window open for manifestation and transmutation of energy, since scorpio moves between realms, and can transmute poison to nectar. Tonight is the first full moon of the pair, and the next one is in 28 days. So I am inviting all my friends (and your friends) to do a daily candlelight evening meditation to manifest our dreams, and the kind of planet we want to be living on globally, locally, and personally. Let's use this window right! The commitment, if you are in, is a 10 minute seated meditation before bed each night. In honor of the lunar energy, we can sit each night and call upon the kind of world we want to see for the next 28 days till the 2nd Scorpio moon. The idea is: Use the time to love the Earth and bless her (Isn't it wonderful Earth Day falls in the midst of this window?) And visualize peace in the war torn places, and the environment recovering. Literally SEE it. Visualize lots of happy green plants! And see our government turning around in any way you feel called. And also see the kind of joy and love and fulfillment you would like in your own life. And take a moment to connect with the amazing Scorpio full moon, the Buddha full moon of enlightenment. This is an incredible time to work through any old patterns that are holding us back personally and collectively. Remember the hundredth monkey? We can do it now.... Open to the divine light, in yourself, and in this glorious moonlight. Honor the moths, that you might notice are everywhere right now. The moths are the creatures of intuition and feminine radiance. Honoring the feminine, we are nurtured, and loved by the Goddess. Let's invoke the Goddess together! Any other rituals you feel inspired to create are so welcome, and so needed at this time. Make up your own! Invite friends! ** Please pass this along to anyone you would like to invite into the meditation train. The more of us that participate, the stronger the energy is of what we are manifesting. Breathe love in...... Breathe love out..... Your friend, Kaia

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